Be courageous. Be unapologetic. Be authentically you.
Let’s face it: Inhibitions can be a good thing — like when they keep you from making bad decisions or acting too impulsively.
At the same time, though, inhibitions can also keep you locked into a “safe” zone — a zone that prevents you from trying something new that could be a major upgrade to your personal growth, work, and life.
The good news? You can shake the “safe.” But to do that — and to accelerate your personal growth and well-being — you need to be ready to intentionally step into unknown territory and face your fear of change.
Step up and shake your inhibitions
The first step to shaking those not-so-helpful inhibitions? Have a quick self-check-in. Ask yourself:
What am I afraid of?
What’s the worst that could happen?
What’s holding me back?
What do I want most but am nervous about stepping into fully?
If you can’t identify a specific fear, but you just feel stuck in your safe zone? That’s OK! Once you learn to release inhibitions, you’ll get more comfortable venturing out of your comfort zone. You’ll also start moving towards the things that will both enrich your life and make it easier to incorporate meaningful changes when you want or need to. Some ideas to get you started:
“Once you learn to release inhibitions, you’ll get more comfortable venturing out of your comfort zone. You’ll also start moving towards the things that will both enrich your life and make it easier to incorporate meaningful changes when you want or need to.”
#1. Choose something new you want to try — and just do it! Remember, there’s no “right time” – just right now!
We know that even something you want to do can be uncomfortable — and, maybe, you won’t love your new routine right away, but be sure and stick with it. You’ll no doubt be better for the experience — and, depending on your pick, you’ll feel healthier, happier, and more connected as a result.
#2. Start saying no to the things you don’t want to do. Setting boundaries and saying no is scary for a lot of people. But you know what? You can’t control other peoples’ reactions. You can only do what feels authentic and true for you. This is a prime opportunity to say no when you want to say no instead of saying yes and denying your inner voice.
#3. Do a little journal exploration. Pick one thing that scares you. Just one. Write it down. Then write down what scares you the most about this thing. And then write down how you think you would respond if the worst-case scenario actually happened. Depending on the fear, you might still be nervous. On the other hand, maybe you’ll discover that the “worst-case” isn’t as terrifying as you realized.
#4. Breathe! Focus on your KINRGY breathwork. It’s such a simple and powerful tool at your disposal at any moment of the day. Use it. Add a 10-minute KINRGY CONNECT class to your daily routine for guided support with intentional breathwork and meditation.
Put fear in the back seat!
Above all, when you do feel fear or discomfort creeping in, don’t be afraid to sit with it. Give the inhibition a label and try to define it.
What am I afraid of?
What’s the worst that could happen?
What’s the BEST that could happen?
Then gently remind yourself that, in many cases, the best outweighs the worst — but you won’t know that until you process it.
And, yes, sometimes fear does outweigh everything — and that’s OK. We’re only human and our complex emotions are constantly firing on all cylinders. Recognize those situations and, specifically, why fear overcame the potential for change and transformation. Next time you’ll recognize those warning signs and patterns, and be more likely to pivot and get on a positive track away from your safe zone. If you didn’t do something because of fear, explore what the situation was, how you felt, and why you didn’t take action. It’s OK to let fear win at times. We’re only human.
With self-awareness and simple steps to keep challenging yourself, you’ll be able to shake the fear and doubt that keep you from moving to a higher level of truth and awareness.
When we choose to surrender to the process of change, we begin to understand how beautiful and joyous the process truly is. If we approach change and transformation with joy, we automatically align with everything we dream of and who we are meant to be.