Autumnal Equinox: Find Harmony with the Rhythm of the Changing Season

by Team Kinrgy
/ 2 min

As we enter the Autumnal Equinox, may we find harmony with the rhythm of the changing season and the lessons it brings:

  • As the leaves begin to change, may we embrace the natural process of evolution that allows us to warmly welcome growth, transformation, and expansion.

  • As the leaves begin to fall, may we, too, learn to let go with loving ease.

  • As the farmers begin their harvest, may we acknowledge and celebrate the fruits of our labors from the seeds we have planted throughout the year.

  • As the sun sets earlier and the days become shorter, may we accept the invitation for more stillness, rest and rejuvenation.

Inhale: “My life is filled with abundance, joy, and love.”

Exhale: “I embrace change with kindness, curiosity and compassion.”

Autumn, welcome <3